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Jumat, 24 April 2015

Mekarsari Tour Park

Looking for an exciting vacation spots, shady, full of joy and at the same time can increase knowledge? It's all in Mekarsari (TWM). Recreation area that has a full collection of fruit trees is located at Jalan Cilengsi-Jonggol, Bogor. Various types of fruit trees from all over the world, especially Indonesia can be found in this place. An area of ​​290 hectares is a fruit garden in the world with 100,000. So no wonder if the location is not far from Jakarta is a fun place to let go of tired. 

Mekarsari inaugurated in 1991 stands on the idea of ​​Ibu Tien Soeharto. The park was originally named Park Fruit Mekarsari. However, after being renovated and added to various arena tour, the name was changed to Mekarsari. There are 12 interesting spots of interest to visit the Family Garden, Baby Zoo, Garden Center, spotted deer, Pongo Show. Then Tower Padang, Kids Fun Valley, Coconut Fiber Outbound, Niagara, carrion flowers, Puri Sari Tirto, and Recreation lake. 

Access to this site is very easy to achieve both reached either by private vehicle or public transportation. If the private vehicle, can take direction from Jakarta to Jonggol. Meanwhile, if using public transport, can take a bus through an intersection Cullinan. The entry fee is quite affordable Mekarsari, visitors only need to pay Rp. 15,000 per-person, Rp. 5,000 for the car park or Rp. 3,000 for bike parking. Mekarsari started operating hours of nine o'clock until five o'clock.

The streets in the Orchard

Mekarsari is a haven for lovers of fruits. Because not only can see the 100,000 species of fruit trees, visitors can also taste the fresh fruit directly. To get around this orchard there are several means of transportation that can be used is by bike or ride the tourist train. 

Activities around this orchard is part of the Green land package tour, visitors can walk around the gardens which were harvested as durian orchard, gardens mango, longan orchard, or a guava orchard. The fruit trees are not always the same, depending on the time of harvest of the fruits are different each month. Visitors will also be given directly by the officer an explanation of how the cultivation of fruit. In addition, visitors can also shop directly with picking fruit straight from the tree. 

Farming and gardening 

Not only could see the various types of fruits directly from the trees, visitors can also do farming activities with typical rural atmosphere. There are vast rice fields ready for planting rice. Not only rice, visitors can also feel the thrill immediately buffalo bathing and fishing. All of this is a series of Family Farmers Program. To participate in this educational program containing, visitors are only charged Rp. 200,000 for a family (up to four people). Mekarsari also be a fun attraction for the group of primary school children, they could grow rice, buffalo bathing hat to paint farmers. 

In Mekarsari there is also a family campground called Family Camp, visitors can set up a tent in the middle of the orchard. This activity will be a different experience with their families and visitors can feel the beautiful atmosphere when getting out of bed.It is typical camping? Visitors also can feel the sensation of the more unusual sleep. Ie with a stay at the Tree House Leo. This tree house is not really built in a tree, but built on a brick foundation. However, an area four times four meters was built from real wood, as well as ornament in the house. The cottages were built in the middle of the forest has five buildings, three of which are single-storey unit and then the two remaining two-story. 

Outbound play 

There is a vehicle in Coconut Fiber Mekarsari Outbound visitors who are ready to challenge adrenaline. Interestingly, in a vehicle built since 2005 are available varying levels of difficulty to suit the program. At first, visitors must traverse challenging terrain, need tactics, teamwork and speed and accuracy to get through it. After successfully passing all the difficult obstacles, visitors will climb the high tower. Furthermore, visitors will use a safety device body and prepared in accordance with the track rope swing. 

Coconut Fiber outbound area is also a favorite place for visitors.Because in addition to exciting rides and fun, this tour also has educational elements and to increase compactness. This vehicle can be done individually, with your family or company. 

Enjoy the thrill of adventure in the water tour 

After enjoying the various facilities and plantation-style adventure, in Mekarsari visitors can also try out various water attractions.There is a waterpark located in the area Mekarsari, Water Kingdom name. With an area of ​​approximately 5.6 hectares making it the largest waterpark in Asia. There are a variety of new vehicle that has never existed in another waterpark. Visitors can relax in the lazy river is the longest in Indonesia Lazy River with a path length of 600 meters. Then tested with adrenaline skating at Boomerang Slider from a height of 15.8 meters and a length of 118 meters. Feel six different waves in the wave pool at certain times. Slid lower in the racer slides and kid pool which is designed specifically for children. 

Not only swim course, there are other attractions that are not less fun in the water zone area. Visitors can enjoy the excitement wade Mekarsari lake covering 27 acres using Banana Boat. Exciting activities such as paddling in the water can also be done on the lake water use bike facilities. There is also a Giant Bubble is walking on the water with a body inside a giant balloon. Enjoy the beauty of the lake with family with dragon boat and canoe.

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